If an apple a day keeps the doctor away, what would it take to avoid a heart surgeon? How about a multivitamin / mineral pill and some omega-3 oil (canola-rapeseed, flax, fish)? Add a diet low in processed food and a good 'lifestyle' (don't smoke, control waist size, manage stress well, some exercise) and you will improve general health and help prevent heart disease. I know, it is normal to believe you're eating a good diet but there is mathematical certainty that even the best diet does not get you the vitamin levels that our bodies and genome developed on. Supplementation fixes this and is safe, cheap and, best of all: easy.
This site looks at the food, supplement and prevention side of disease. I study nutrition in medicine as an independent researcher but it is not my job. This site doesn't generate money or sell anything. Below are highlights about the nutrients that prevent damage to your artery and bone structure and sometimes even cure it, and about those that can help you survive already existing artery damage.
In food processing, as when making flour or noodles, we lose 60-90% of most heart healthy vitamins. We degrade proteins by frying and high heat and our factories hydrogenate oil which first zaps all omega-3 (really vitamin F-3) by trans-forming it into toxic trans fat. Science shows that a heart healthy diet is one with relatively unprocessed foods with veggies and some fruits, and rice or grains that retain some of their original kernel-structure to slow digestion. Such 'whole' foods became scarce in Western diets. If you can't recognize part of the original food, the item is processed or refined. Some eggs, liver or fish are probably also vital for most of us.
Why a add multi-vitamin pill to your diet? Well, most fast single nutrient diseases like scurvy, beriberi and goiter were wiped out by food fortification, our 'weapon of mass nutrition'. However, processed foods low in many nutrients such as vitamins B6, B12, folic acid and others, cause 'Long-Latency Deficiency Diseases', such as heart disease, cancer, bone loss and Alzheimer's. Think of these as nutrient deficiency diseases with long incubation periods and the science suddenly makes sense! Start with cholesterol and the science will never makes sense (can your doctor explain the 6th figure from the bottom?).
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